Slavas we celebrate in September: A Month Full of Feasts and Traditions

Slavas we celebrate in September: A Month Full of Feasts and Traditions

September is a month rich in Serbian celebrations, when many families throughout Serbia gather their loved ones to celebrate their baptismal celebrations. Each feast brings with it special customs, prayers and significance, providing an opportunity for spiritual renewal and remembrance of the saints who guard our homes.

Saint Simeon Stolnik (September 14)

The first great glory in September is Saint Simeon the Stolpnik, known for his devotion to prayer and fasting. Families celebrating this day often prepare a rich meal and light candles for the health and happiness of their loved ones.


Saint John the Baptist (September 11)

Saint John the Baptist, is a glory that many Serbs mark with special respect. This day is associated with the memory of the martyrdom of Saint John, and families who celebrate this saint often organize more modest celebrations, focusing on the spiritual aspect.


Saints Joachim and Anna (September 22)

The parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saints Joachim and Anna, are also celebrated in September. This feast is especially dear to families seeking blessings for children, and customs include prayers for offspring and family.


The Day of the Cross (September 27)

The Day of the Cross is a holiday dedicated to finding the Cross of Christ at the place of His crucifixion. Empress Jelena, mother of Emperor Constantine, unveiled the Holy Cross in the place where the temple of Venus used to be, after which the people came en masse to see and kiss it. The Cross was raised for the first time on Golgotha ​​in 326, and this day has since been celebrated as Cross Day, marked with a red letter and fasting.


September brings a series of saints' holidays that are deeply rooted in Serbian tradition. Celebrations are more than customs; they are an expression of faith, love and togetherness. Prepare for these special days with our tips and products to help you celebrate your baptism.

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