Slava Icon Saints Sergius and Bacchus 41x33

Šifra: E-146-204

Brand: Riznica nacionalnog blaga


59,49 USD


  • Dimensions: 41x33 cm
  • Includes a certificate from the Riznica Nacionalnog Blaga
  • 24-karat gold plating on metal parts
  • The icons are not consecrated!

According to Christianity, the icon should be placed on the eastern wall of the house.

Sergius and Bacchus were Roman citizens and high-ranking officers in the Roman army, but their secret Christianity was discovered when they tried to avoid accompanying a Roman official to a pagan temple with the rest of his bodyguards. Because they persistently refused to offer sacrifices to Jupiter in the presence of Galerius, they were publicly humiliated by being bound, dressed in women's clothing, and paraded around the city. Galerius sent them to Barbalisos in Mesopotamia to be judged by Antiochus, a military commander and old friend of Sergius. However, Antiochus could not convince them to renounce their faith, and Bacchus was beaten to death. The following day, Bacchus's spirit appeared to Sergius and encouraged him to stay strong so they could be together forever. In the ensuing days, Sergius was cruelly tortured and eventually executed in Resapha, where his death was marked by miraculous events.

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