
Celebrate with Faith and Tradition: Discover Authentic Treasures for Your Slava at SerbianShop!


SerbianShop invites you to explore our diverse collections dedicated to venerated saints celebrated in the Serbian Orthodox tradition. Each category delves into the life and significance of a beloved saint, offering a variety of authentic religious items to elevate your Slava celebration and connect you with your heritage.

Who is St. Nicholas and Why is He Celebrated?

Affectionately known as Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Nicholas is deeply revered for his generosity, compassion, and miraculous interventions. Celebrated on December 19th (December 6th according to the Julian calendar), he is the patron saint of sailors, children, and merchants, symbolizing kindness, protection, and abundance. St. Nicholas' Day, a celebration for which people say that "half of Serbia celebrates, and the other half goes to celebrate".

Traditional customs associated with St. Nicholas's Slava include:


  • St. Nicholas bread: A round bread decorated with wheat stalks, representing bountiful harvests and blessings.
  • Gifts for children: Exchanging gifts on this day honors St. Nicholas's love for children and his legendary gift-giving.
  • Church service: Attending a festive liturgy to offer prayers and seek blessings from St. Nicholas.
  • Sharing the Slava meal: Gathering family and friends to share blessings and strengthen community bonds.
  • Giving Gifts: Exchanging gifts with loved ones on this day symbolizes spreading joy and fostering community bonds.


Discover the perfect St. Nicholas icon:


  • Slava Icons: Choose from stunning hand-painted icons showcasing St. Nicholas in his iconic pose, blessing children or holding a ship. These cherished heirlooms become a reminder of his unwavering protection and generosity.
  • Triptychs: Adorn your prayer corner with beautiful triptychs featuring St. Nicholas alongside other saints or scenes from his life. Deepen your focus and reflection with these intricate pieces.
  • Metal Icons: Opt for the sleek simplicity of metal icons with St. Nicholas's image engraved with precision. These durable pieces offer a modern touch while honoring tradition.

Complete your celebration with adornments:


  • Cuturas: Find the perfect "cutura" featuring St. Nicholas's image. 


Beyond the Products:


  • Explore informative blog posts delving into St. Nicholas's life, miracles, and traditional Slava customs.
  • Visit the church of St. Nicholas in Belgrade.
  • Find insightful tips for planning a meaningful Slava celebration filled with joy and blessings.


Browse our collection and discover the perfect pieces to elevate your celebration, honor your faith, and create lasting memories.

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